SDK API Reference
Ada’s Web Chat consists of a global adaEmbed object that you must add to your site to use any Web SDK functionality, along with corresponding settings and actions.
Set the Web Chat’s configurable options by defining an adaSettings object on your window
Alternatively, you can pass settings to the adaEmbed.start method. (See Delay bot loading.)
The Web SDK requires that window.adaSettings
be defined before the script loads. You must therefore either define window.adaSettings
before the script, or make use of async on your web chat script.
The following are all of the available settings for Web chat.
adaReadyCallback?(params: { isRolledOut: boolean }): void;
Specifies a callback function to be called when Web Chat has finished setting up. This is especially useful when Web Chat is loaded asynchronously.
chatterTokenCallback?(chatter: string): void;
Specifies a callback for when the chatter
token has been set in Chat. This is called when chat is first opened by a chatter.
cluster?: string;
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster to be used. Unless directed by an Ada team member, you should not change this value.
conversationEndCallback?(callback: (event?: { [key]: string | object }) => void): void;
Use conversationEndCallback
to specify a callback function to be called when a chatter ends the conversation. The callback will receive an event object containing conversation metadata.
crossWindowPersistence?: boolean;
When set to true
, allows the chat drawer open/close state to persist across windows and page refreshes using the Window.sessionStorage
API. When the browser is closed the state is forgotten. Note that the crossWindowPersistence
setting only works if an Ada Glass live chat is active (that is, while a chatter is connected to an agent).
We recommend enabling this feature if your bot uses Ada Glass.
domain?: string;
Use this setting to change the subdomain. Unless directed by an Ada team member, you will not need to change this value.
greeting?: string;
Use to customize the greeting messages that new chatters see. This is useful for setting page-specific greetings across your app. The greeting should correspond to the ID of the Answer you would like to use, which you can find in the URL of the corresponding Answer in the dashboard.

handle:? string;
Can be used to specify the bot handle if one is not specified in the script data-handle
hideMask?: boolean;
When set to true
, prevents the default mask from appearing on top of your site’s content when opened on desktop.
We recommend setting the value of hideMask to false
. This allows users to navigate the page while the Ada chat window is open.
language?: string;
Set the language for your bot. This setting takes in a language code to programatically set the default bot language. For example, you could change the language to French as in the following example:
You must first turn languages on in your dashboard:
- If you’re using a generative AI Agent, go to Customization > Languages. See Support multiple languages in the same AI Agent.
- If you’re using a scripted bot, go to Settings > Bot Setup > Multilingual. See Support multiple languages in the same bot.
Language codes must use the ISO 639-1 language format.
Alternatively, you can use the setLanguage action, which allows you to change the language without clearing the chat history.
lazy?: boolean;
When set to true true
, this will prevent the bot from loading until the adaEmbed.start(...)
method is called. (Alternatively, see Delay bot loading.)
metaFields?: FlatObject;
Use metaFields to pass information about a chatter
to Ada. This can be useful for tracking information about your customers, as well as personalizing their experience. For example, you may wish to track the phone_number
and name
for conversation attribution. (See Variables for more information)
Once set, you can access this information:
- in the email attachment from Handoff Form submissions
- via the Meta variables modal in the Conversations page of your Ada dashboard
To change these values after bot setup, use the setMetaFields action.
Meta field keys should not include whitespace, emojis, special characters, or periods.
Called when the embed script has been loaded, and before it is initialized. This is useful for subscribing to events. Subscribing here ensures that subscriptions are in place before events are triggered.
parentElement?: string | HTMLElement;
Specifies where to mount the <iframe>
if the default side drawer is not desired. Accepts the HTMLElement
or element id
of the desired parent element.
Chat will render immediately inside the parentElement
provided. This means that the conversation will also get initialized. We do not recommend initializing Embed2 with the parentElement
setting automatically on every page, since it could lead to low engagement rates.
privateMode?: boolean;
Puts web chat into private mode when set to true
. In private mode, web chat forgets conversation history on refresh. This is effectively the same as setting customer persistence or chatter persistence to Forget After Reload.
rolloutOverride?: number;
Use this setting to override the rollout value set in the dashboard. This can be useful if you need page-specific rollout values. Accepts any number between 0
and 1
sensitiveMetaFields?: FlatObject;
Like metaFields, you can use sensitiveMetaFields
to pass information about a chatter to Ada. With sensitiveMetaFields, however, values are:
- encrypted immediately upon entering the Ada system
- temporarily stored in a cache on the Ada side, that is cleared after 24 hours
- not stored in the database
- redacted on the dashboard
If the sensitive data is sent as part of a bot response, it is not redacted the first time it appears (to allow the chatter to verify it, for example), but the data is redacted when fetching the logs of a recent conversation.
To change these values after bot setup, use the setSensitiveMetaFields action.
Meta field keys should not include whitespace, emojis, special characters, or periods.
testMode?: boolean;
Marks the chatter as a test user.
toggleCallback?(isDrawerOpen: boolean): void;
Use this setting to trigger side effects when the web chat drawer is opened or closed.
zdChatterAuthCallback?(callback: (token: string) => void): void;
Use zdChatterAuthCallback
for Zendesk chatter authentication. This setting allows you to request a JWT token from your API, then pass it to Ada. This creates shared trust between Ada and Zendesk, and in turn allows for verifiable chatter identity within the context of a chat session.
Ada waits up to 30 seconds for the callback to be triggered before loading chat. If the callback isn’t triggered within that time, Ada abandons the request. If you need to bypass authentication, ensure you call the callback with no arguments.
is available only for Zendesk Chat. It is not available for Zendesk Messaging.
You can call all of the following Embed2 Actions from the global adaEmbed object.
closeCampaign(): Promise<void>;
Closes the currently displayed campaign (does nothing if no campaign is currently displayed).
This action requires the Ada Pro package.
deleteHistory(): Promise<void>;
Deletes the chatter
object used to fetch conversation logs for a user from storage. When a user opens a new chat window, a new chatter
object is generated.
evaluateCampaignConditions(options: CampaignParams): Promise<void>;
This is similar to triggerCampaign, however, instead of triggering a specific Campaign, evaluateCampaignConditions
evaluates the trigger conditions of the Campaigns in priority order, and triggers the first Campaign whose conditions are matched. This can be useful, for example, if Embed2 cannot determine that the route has changed, and the campaign trigger rules need to be evaluated again.
An optional argument options
can be passed that matches the CampaignParams
interface. These options settings may be helpful when testing your Campaign:
ignoreFrequency?: boolean
: ifignoreFrequency
, trigger conditions for Campaigns that have already been triggered within the configured frequency are also evaluated and may be triggered.ignoreStatus?: boolean
: ifignoreStatus
, trigger conditions for inactive and draft Campaigns are also evaluated and may be triggered.
This action requires the Ada Pro package.
getInfo(): Promise<WindowInfo>;
Returns a WindowInfo
object containing information about the bot. See WindowInfo for more details.
reset(resetParams?: ResetParams): Promise<void>;
Creates a new chatter
and refreshes the Chat window. reset
can take an optional object allowing you to change the language
, metaFields
, sensitiveMetaFields
, and greeting
for the new chatter
setLanguage(language: string): void;
Changes the language in chat programatically. Use this action, rather than the language setting, to change the chat language without clearing the chat history. Language codes must use a lowercase, two-letter code, in ISO 639-1 language format. For example, en, fr, ca, ar, and so on.
Before using setLanguage
You must turn languages on in your Ada dashboard.
- If you’re using a generative AI Agent, go to Customization > Languages. See Support multiple languages in the same AI Agent for more information.
- If you’re using a scripted bot, go to Settings > Bot setup > Multilingual. See Support multiple languages in the same bot for more information.
The chat window must be opened at least once.
setMetaFields(fields: FlatObject): Promise<void>;
Used to update metaFields
after chat has been opened. In most situations, the metaFields
settings object should be enough for user attribution. However, in cases where Ada chat remains open while page changes occur (like in Single Page Applications), this method may be useful.
Meta field keys should not include whitespace, emojis, special characters, or periods.
setSensitiveMetaFields(fields: FlatObject): Promise<void>;
Use this action to update sensitiveMetaFields
after chat has been opened. Here, the values are not stored in the database and are deleted after 24 hours.
Meta field keys should not include whitespace, emojis, special characters, or periods.
start(adaSettings: StartOptions): Promise<void>;
Used to initialize Embed2 on your page. This action is triggered by default internally, so you will typically not need to call it directly unless you are using Embed2 in lazy
mode, or have called stop
and want to restart Embed2.
matches anything listed in the Settings section (for example, adaReadyCallback
stop(): Promise<void>;
Removes Embed2 from your page.
subscribeEvent(eventKey: string, callback: (data: object, context: object) => void): Promise<number>
Certain things in Ada trigger events. Each event consists of an event key and a data payload. Using subscribeEvent
, you can define callbacks that are called when a specific event is triggered.
Callbacks are triggered whenever an event starts with the eventKey
provided to subscribeEvent
. This means you can subscribe to all events of a certain category. For example, the callback in a subscription to ada:campaigns
will be called on ada:campaigns:shown
, ada:campaigns:opened
, and any other events beginning with ada:campaigns
Two arguments are provided to each callback when it is called: data
and context
is specific to each event.context
is an object with a single property, theeventKey
of the event that triggered the callback.
returns a number subscriptionId
that you can use to unsubscribe later (see unsubscribeEvent).
It is strongly recommended that you place initial subscriptions to events in the onAdaEmbedLoaded
function. This ensures that:
- the embed script has been loaded, so it is available to accept subscriptions.
- subscriptions happen before any events are triggered, so that no events are missed.
The following are the events that you can currently subscribe to:
The events that begin with ada:agent
are compatible with the following handoffs:
- Zendesk Messaging
- Zendesk Live Chat
- Salesforce
- Nuance
- Aysnchronous handoffs (via Ada’s Solutions team)
toggle(): Promise<void>;
Used toggle
to programatically open or close the chat window. You cannot use this method with the parentElement
triggerAnswer(answerId: string): void;
Triggers an answer in chat. Include the Answer ID, which you can find in the URL of the corresponding Answer in the dashboard.

The chat window must be opened at least once before this method can be used.
triggerCampaign(campaignKey: string, options: CampaignParams): Promise<void>;
Use in conjunction with campaignKey
to trigger proactive campaigns. It supports two optional arguments:
ignoreFrequency?: boolean
: when set to true, allows campaign triggering even if it’s already been triggered within the frequency configured in the dashboard campaign settings.ignoreStatus?: boolean
: when set to true, allows campaign triggering even if it’s inactive or in a draft state.
In most cases, you should set these to false, so that the original settings configured for the campaign take precedence. There may be specific cases in which you might enable ignoreFrequency. For example, a campaign that is shared across multiple pages, that you want to show once on a single page (such as the main page of a help center), but show once per session on all subpages.
See Embed Campaign Use Cases for some examples of how to use this action.
This action requires the Ada Pro package.
This action is only applicable if you’re using a scripted bot. For a generative AI Agent, see triggerProactive instead.
triggerProactive({ messageKey: string, params?: Record<string, string> }): void;
Triggers a proactive conversation using a specified key. This will display predefined static or template messages, where template messages can include dynamic parameters.
Triggering a static Proactive Conversation
Ex: “Hello, how can I help you today?”
Triggering a template Proactive Conversation
Ex: “Hello {{name}}, how can I help you today?”
This action is only applicable if you’re using a generative AI Agent. For a scripted bot, see triggerCampaign instead.
trackEvent(eventKey: string, value?: number, meta?: FlatObject)
Use this to track an Event. The arguments of this function are:
eventKey: string
: the key of the Event to track (required).value?: number
: an optional value to assign to the Event.meta?: FlatObject
: an optional object containing metadata corresponding to the Event. For example, it may be useful to track information such as currency, product group, customer segment, and so on.
This action requires the Ada Pro package.
unsubscribeEvent(subscriptionId: number): void;
Use this function to remove subscriptions created with the subscribeEvent
function. It takes a single parameter, subscriptionId
, which is the id of the subscription to be removed.
Type signatures
Embed2 actions commonly use the following type signatures.