Return conversations matching the parameters


Returns a list of conversation objects along with a next_page_uri if applicable

Query parameters


Return records that were created after this date. Note that updated_since and created_since are mutually exclusive, so you must only use one in a request.


Return records that were updated after this date. Note that updated_since and created_since are mutually exclusive, so you must only use one in a request.

page_sizeintegerOptional>=100<=10000Defaults to 10000

Number of records to return in response. The maximum and default is 10000, the minimum is 100.


Return records that were created earlier than this date. If created_since is used and this parameter is not specified, this value defaults to 7 days after created_since.


Return records that were updated earlier than this date. If updated_since is used and this parameter is not specified, this value defaults to 7 days after updated_since.


Ada successfully processed the request

itemslist of objectsOptional

Records returned from the query

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