
The Data Export API allows authenticated access to conversation and message data, enabling you to integrate this data into your own systems. Common use cases include:

  • Business Intelligence: Analyze conversation data using your preferred BI tools.
  • Compliance: Retain permanent copies of conversations in your internal storage to meet compliance requirements.
  • Customer Requests: Retrieve conversation data to fulfill customer requests, such as those required under GDPR.

Rate Limits

The Data Export API adheres to our global rate limits. Additionally, it has specific limits of 3 requests per second per endpoint.

Query Constraints

Page size limitations: A maximum of 10,000 records per page.

Date range limitations: A query’s end date cannot be more than 60 days after its start date.

Historical Data Access

The Data Export API provides access to data from the past 12 months.

Processing Time

Conversation data takes 24 to 48 hours to be fully ingested into the Data API database. As a result, API responses may not include all data from conversations created within the last 24 hours, and full completeness may require up to 48 hours.

To ensure your query captures the full range of data for a specific time period, wait until the 48-hour window has passed. For example, to retrieve data for the period from Feb 9 00:00:00 to Feb 9 23:59:59, run the query on or after Feb 11 00:00:00 to include all conversations.

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