Authorize API integrations

Ada APIs use API keys for authorization. You can generate self-serve tokens through the Ada dashboard, using the procedure below. These tokens do not expire and are invalidated if you generate a new one.

Before you begin, ask your Ada Support Representative to enable API access for your account.

Generate an access token

  1. In the Ada dashboard, go to your integration settings.
    • If you're using a generative AI Agent, go to Customization > Integrations > API Integrations.
    • If you're using a scripted bot, go to Settings > Integrations > API Integrations.

Ada Dashboard Integration Settings

  1. Beside the name of the API, click Configure.

Generate API token

  1. Click Generate a new Access Token.

Copy API token

  1. Copy the API Access Token. Keep it in a safe place, as you won’t be able to access it again.

If you misplace your token, click the Generate a new Access Token button to get a new one. When you do this, it invalidates the previous token.