Data Export API v1.2

Version 1.2 of the Data Export API is now available. This release includes support for additional fields in the messages and conversations endpoints, further aligning API responses with dashboard reports.


To start using v1.2, replace the version number in your requests as illustrated in the examples for the endpoints to return conversations and messages. Your API keys will continue to work with the new version.

Messages object

  • answer_id β€” Internal ID of the Answer that triggered the message. Null if the message was not sent by an Ada bot.
  • link_was_clicked β€” Indicates whether the chatter clicked a link in an Answer.

See Messages for more details.

Conversations object

  • agent_id β€” The list of unique IDs for agents involved in the conversation (for example, 619d95c0c063a5bf2b1efb7c).
  • agent_name β€” A list of names of the agents involved the conversation, corresponding to the agent IDs.
  • browser β€” The type of browser the chatter was using (for example, chrome).
  • browser_version β€” The specific version number of the chatter's browser.
  • device β€” The device type or operating system (for example, macos).
  • is_test_user β€” Whether or not the conversation involved a test user (indicated by true or false).
  • language β€” The language of the conversation, represented by a language code in ISO 639-1 format (for example, fr).
  • oauth_channel β€” If the client has been authenticated using OAuth 2.0, this field indicates the channel on which the authenticated conversation took place (for example, chat or sms).

See Conversations for more details.