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Does what I want to build already exist?   Ada has many ways to enhance your bot or seamlessly integrate with third-party systems out of the box. Before heading down the path of a bespoke solution, explore available options in our App Directory.


Ada's APIs are built around REST principles. Use these APIs to manage conversation data, or start conversations using SMS.

Endpoint quick reference

ToUseIn the
Delete data associated with a specific chatterPOST /api/{version}/data-subject-requestData Compliance API
Export conversation dataGET /data_api/{version}/conversationsData Export API
Export message dataGET /data_api/{version}/messagesData Export API
Get all knowledge sourcesGET /api/knowledge/v1/sourcesKnowledge API
Create a knowledge sourcePOST /api/knowledge/v1/sourcesKnowledge API
Update a knowledge sourcePATCH /api/knowledge/v1/sources/{id}Knowledge API
Delete a knowledge sourceDELETE /api/knowledge/v1/sources/{id}Knowledge API
Get multiple articlesGET /api/knowledge/v1/articlesKnowledge API
Get an articleGET /api/knowledge/v1/articles/{id}Knowledge API
Create or update articlesPOST /api/knowledge/v1/articlesKnowledge API
Delete multiple articlesDELETE /api/knowledge/v1/articlesKnowledge API
Delete an articleDELETE /api/knowledge/v1/articles/{id}Knowledge API
Get all article tagsGET /api/knowledge/v1/tagsKnowledge API
Create or edit article tagsPOST /api/knowledge/v1/tagsKnowledge API
Delete an article tagDELETE /api/knowledge/v1/tags/{id}Knowledge API
Get an end userGET /api/end-users/v1/{end_user_id}End Users API
Update an end userPATCH /api/end-users/v1/{end_user_id}End Users API
Get multiple end usersGET /api/end-users/v1/End Users API
Start a conversation using SMSPOST /api/campaigns/sms/triggerProactive SMS API


Add an Ada chatbot to your own website or mobile app with our chat SDKs.

To embed forUse
iOS appsiOS SDK
Android appsAndroid SDK
React Native appsReact Native SDK