
Data Export API

This is the changelog for the Data Export API. See the latest changes for all APIs on the Changelog page, or subscribe via RSS:

2024.08.08We've added multiple fields to the Conversation object:
  • generated_topic_v2_desc
  • generated_topic_v2_id
  • generated_topic_v2_parent_id
  • generated_topic_v2_title
These are to support the enhancements we made to conversation topics, which we released in May 2024. Those enhancements improved the classifications in your AI Agent's automatic topic classifications, and now you can access that new data via API. The older topics fields, generated_topic_id and generated_topic_label, are still available so you can access information about older conversation topics.
2024.06.20We have added multiple fields:
2024.03.27We have added an end_user_id attribute to the Conversation object in version 1.4 of the Data Export API.
  • We have released Version 1.4 of the Data Export API, which includes new topic fields in conversation objects.
  • For Version 1.3, we have implemented the following improvements:
    • We no longer truncate variables that are more than 1000 characters long.
    • We fixed a bug that only affected Version 1.3, where all variable and metavariable values were lowercase. They are now case-sensitive.
  • For all versions of the API, API threshold errors now return 429 instead of 500 status codes.
2023.10.31Version 1.3 of the Data Export API now filters out data from conversations started through campaigns, where chatters didn’t engage with the bot by sending any messages or selecting any options. This way, we can provide data more consistently with the Analytics Dashboard.
Additionally, version 1.3 includes three new attributes for conversations that were sampled for Automated Resolution evaluation:
  • automated_resolution_classification
  • automated_resolution_classification_reason
  • inquiry_summary
2022.12.13Release of version 1.2 of the Data Export API, including support for more fields in the messages and conversations endpoints, further aligning API responses with dashboard reports.
2022.05.09Data older than 12 months is not accessible via the Data Export API.
2022.05.09For reporting purposes, consider that it takes at least two hours to ingest conversation data into the Data API database.
2022.03.04Removed Chatter ID filtering support for the Messages endpoint.
2021.11.03Added CSAT response examples for the Conversation endpoint.
2021.08.30Data API v1.1 release, the following are the changes available for v1.1
  • chatter_id field available in messages endpoint response field
  • filter by chatter_id or conversation_id for messages endpoint
Added 30 days expiration token for trial accounts.
2021.08.10Added Data API base URI endpoint in Data Export API UI portal under settings/integrations.
2021.07.29Added self-serve auth key generation in UI portal under Data API feature flag. Beta Release v1 for additional clients.
2021.06.22Added additional request timed out error code (408).
2021.02.24Data API v1 first available for early access clients. Message, Conversation endpoints published.